Department Of Commerce

The Department Of Commerce Was Established To Provide An Environment To Unfold The Inner Faculties Of Students And Teachers To Develop The Required Knowledge And Skills For Achieving Wisdom Through Excellence In The Field Of Business. To Blend Theoretical Knowledge With Practical Skills In Business So As To Prepare The Youth To Attain Holistic Approach And To Occupy The Managerial Positions.

To Prepare Human Resource To Cater To The Growing Needs Of Teaching Community In The Field Of Business Education And To Promote Quality Research And Consultancy In The Area Of Business Studies. To Develop Entrepreneurial Ability In Students. To Develop Human Resource To Act As Think Tank For The Business Sector.

Grooming youth to become a trusty global personality well equipped to deal with the modern world and its challenges to develop business philosophers to propagate and practice social responsibility, inclusive growth and sound value system. Developing social consciousness among students and learning through doing.